Inspired by Humans of New York, Pets of Hong Kong is dedicated to raising awareness for animal adoption culture in Hong Kong by sharing stories of animals who have been adopted, or those who are waiting for a forever home.
Our Featured Pet
Rain - The Chinchilla
"A kind hiker posted to 'HK Snakes' (don't ask! They didn't know where else to find a bunch of animal friendly people!) that they had found a creature in the bushes in the depths of a country park in Tai Tong, near Yuen Long and it needed help! So, with nothing better to do on a Saturday night - I hopped in the car in search of a cage, in the dark, on the other side of Hong Kong!
An hour or so later and I am in said dark location with rain beginning and find the most awful cage and situation. This hairless little being hopping around the most filthy conditions, clearly dumped.
I truly didn't know what the creature was initially, but with some thought and a bit of googling, realised it was a chinchilla! The poor little bugger was clearly not in a good way, so having left a strongly worded note on the filthy cage, he was popped into the back of the car and off to Tai Wai Exotics we went.
Long story short, he had an extended stay in an oxygen chamber, got lots of supportive care from the wonderful vets at the clinic and stole a few hearts too I believe. His recovery and care was expensive, but thanks to so many kind people following his story on HK Snakes, many contributed to his vet bills, such an amazing help and so very kind! Over 6 months his fur started to grow back in patches and then the work on his behavioural needs really started. He was totally hand-shy and did not want to be picked up in any way shape or form. Chinchilla's need to be socialised to being handled from a very young age. I am horrified at the thought of them being purchased as pets for children, who just want to play and hold them no doubt, something which I believe can severely traumatise them! They are victims of the 'cute curse' as I call it and actually require quite a lot in the way of good care. They also poop ALOT. Little pellets, which my one loves to fling around his room! Added to that they need regular dust baths to keep their fur healthy. And don't forget the air con in Summer. They are very temperature sensitive little beings, so air con bills need to be factored into their care. If you are someone who likes a spotless home and not having to clean daily - then chinchilla's are not the pet for you!!
Rain has been with me for 3 years now and thankfully is in good health and I believe having the best life he can as a captive exotic pet. I often wish he could go back to where he is from and live a wild existence, but that sadly can't happen, so he joined our little menagerie and has it pretty good now. "

Rain in O2 chamber the night he was found

Rain the chinchilla

How Rain was found
